Home Premio Oscar Oscar 2016: tutti i documentari in corsa

Oscar 2016: tutti i documentari in corsa

La lista completa dei 124 documentri in lizza per gli Oscar 2016.

pubblicato 25 Ottobre 2015 aggiornato 30 Luglio 2020 11:35

L’Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ha annunciato oggi i film che sono ammissibili per la corsa alla cinquina per il miglior documentario ai prossimi Oscar. Sono stati presentati 124 film in totale e coprono una vasta gamma di soggetti e stili cinematografici. Questo elenco sarà in seguito ridotto ad una rosa di 15 nel mese di dicembre, seguita dall’annuncio dei cinque candidati finali a gennaio.

I contendenti di quest’anno sono altamente competitivi e tra di loro segnaliamo il doc Amy sulla cantante Amy Winehouse, il candidato in arrivo dal Sundance The Wolfpack e sempre in ambito musicale c’e Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck. Da segnalare inoltre il doc che racconta della violenza sessuale nei campus universitari The Hunting Ground, l’acclamato Hitchcok/Truffaut, l’immancabile documentario di Michael Moore Where to Invade Next, il ritorno del piccolo supereroe Miles Scott in Batkid Begins e The Look of Silence di Joshua Oppenheimer che come il precedente Act of Killing torna a parlare del genocidio indonesiano.

La cerimonia di premiazione dell’ottantottesima edizione degli Oscar presentata da Chris Rock si terrà il 28 febbraio 2016.

A seguire la lista completa dei documentari in corsa.


Above and Beyond

All Things Must Pass


The Armor of Light

Ballet 422

Batkid Begins

Becoming Bulletproof

Being Evel

Beltracchi — The Art of Forgery

Best of Enemies

The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution

Bolshoi Babylon

Brand: A Second Coming

A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story

Call Me Lucky

Cartel Land

Censored Voices



the-look-of-silence-posterComing Home

Dark Horse

Deli Man

Dior and I

The Diplomat

(Dis)Honesty — The Truth about Lies

Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll



Drunk, Stoned, Brilliant, Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon

Eating Happiness

Every Last Child

Evidence of Harm

Farewell to Hollywood

Finders Keepers

The Forecaster

Frame by Frame

Gardeners of Eden

A Gay Girl in Damascus: The Amina Profile

Godspeed: The Story of Page Jones

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief

He Named Me Malala

Heart of a Dog


How to Change the World


hitchcock-truffaut-posterThe Hunting Ground

I Am Chris Farley

In Jackson Heights

In My Father’s House

India’s Daughter

Ingrid Bergman — In Her Own Words

Iraqi Odyssey


Janis: Little Girl Blue

Karski & the Lords of Humanity

Killing Them Safely

Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck

Lambert & Stamp

A Lego Brickumentary

Listen to Me Marlon

Live from New York!

The Look of Silence

Meet the Patels


The Mind of Mark DeFriest

Misery Loves Comedy

Monkey Kingdom

A Murder in the Park

My Italian Secret

kurt-cobain-montage-of-heck-posterMy Voice, My Life


Of Men and War

One Cut, One Life

Only the Dead See the End of War

The Outrageous Sophie Tucker

Peace Officer

The Pearl Button

Pink & Blue: Colors of Hereditary Cancer



The Prime Ministers: Soldiers and Peacemakers

Prophet’s Prey

Racing Extinction

The Resurrection of Jake the Snake

Ride the Thunder — A Vietnam War Story of Victory & Betrayal


The Russian Woodpecker

Searching for Home: Coming Back from War

Seeds of Time


The Seven Five

Seymour: An Introduction


A Sinner in Mecca

Something Better to Come

Song from the Forest

the-hunting-ground-posterSong of Lahore

Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine

Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans

Stray Dog

Sunshine Superman

Sweet Micky for President

Tab Hunter Confidential

The Tainted Veil

Tap World


Thao’s Library

Those Who Feel the Fire Burning

3 1/2 Minutes, Ten Bullets

The Touch of an Angel

TransFatty Lives

The True Cost


Very Semi-Serious: A Partially Thorough Portrait of New Yorker Cartoonists

The Wanted 18

We Are Many

We Come as Friends

We Were Not Just … Bicycle Thieves. Neorealism

Welcome to Leith

What Happened, Miss Simone?

What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy

Where to Invade Next

Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom

The Wolfpack


Fonte: Collider

Premio Oscar